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Raised in a suburban area in Madison, Wisconsin, Adam has been singing and playing the guitar since the age of 13. At 17 Adam joined the metal band, “Malice in Wonderland,” and became the band’s lead vocalist. After screaming for five years as frontman of MIW, Adam decided to part ways with the band and explore alternate genres of music. Setting his mind on acoustic/rock in the summer of 2004, Adam began writing and covering songs of many different styles. Over the years he created many acoustic originals as well as many spin-off covers from artists such as, Kid Cudi, Lil’ Wayne, Incubus and Stone Sour. After throwing in several originals in the comedy genre, Adam had written a varied arsenal of music to start playing shows around the Madison area and branding his name.
When the ball started rolling and the gigs started getting a little closer together on the calendar, Adam decided to up the ante and start a movement. He wanted to have a message behind the music he played. He wanted a positive message that he could promote to his fans that would spread virally and influence peoples lives. Hence, the Autumn Resistance was born. The birth of the Resistance created a message that Adam could promote to anyone who wanted to listen. A message that would influence people to lead better lives and stay active in their communitites. Using his music and his vision to spread a postive message to his fans is something Adam has always wanted to do. That dream is now a reality.
With all of the experience and knowledge that Adam has collected over his years of performing, all that’s left to do is push on into the future. Leading the Autumn Resistance, Adam hopes to use the influential world of the music industry to change lives with his songs and his message. Although the Autumn Resistance is merely an idea as it stands today, one day Adam hopes to turn the Resistance into a full-fledged organization. One that he can use to help those less-fortunate. A community of followers dedicated to good music, good friends and good times. Adam hopes that everyone will hear his message, because when you join the Autumn Resistance, he’ll NEVER let you FALL.

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