Karen Pidgeon

Residing in a small, rural town nestled between the mountain and coastal ranges of Western Oregon, I find the rivers, woodlands and wildlife inspirational to my work. I view the forests as the “real world,” and it rewards me with endless wildlife and nature experiences! From youth until now, my art has been an ever-challenging process of learning and experimenting in a variety of media. I have taken whatever has come my way, and struggled with it, learned it, and then loved it. I learned to paint with oils, and then tried everything I came across including murals, fantasy art, scientific work, pen & ink, clay, wood sculpture, bronze sculpture, jewelry, portraits, graphic art, glass engraving, and the mixed media I use today. I have taken many classes only to feel limited and let down. I have grown from the desire to create, moved through the struggles of becoming, and have survived to finally know myself as an artist. I have shown in Federal, National, and State art shows, competitions and exhibitions. I have posters sold throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Japan, and prints sold worldwide. My art has taught me to trust in my creative intuitiveness. When I see myself grabbing a color, I no longer question it, or even think about it, but trust that I will know what to do with it. Art has given me a strength and belief in myself; a trust of my capabilities deep within me.

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