Victor Rosado Jr

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My name is Victor Rosado Jr and I am a Young aspiring photographer & entrepreneur coming out of Providence, Rhode Island. I was born in the Bronx, New York and fell in love at an early age with the raw beauty of the city, graffiti painted walls, bridges and buildings and anything that reminded me of home. I also grew up in a family that loved taking photos and making photo albums for different occasions and the thought of capturing & reliving a moment through a photo was always fascinating to me. You tie in my love for traveling, exploring, & trying to see what life has to offer and my love and interest in photography began. RAIR Image is based off of my own personal brand “Rair $ociety” which is a mindset & a lifestyle to me. RAIR is an acronym that stands for Raw, Authentic, Intelligent & Real, which are all traits that I live by and also what I believe makes me who I am.

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