Pieces of Eden

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From the ashes of the band Edens Aftermath, three of the five original members reunited in April of 2013. Friendship and a desire to return to the basics, the passion and the core of their musical souls led to what we no know as Pieces Of Eden.
Adam Hawkins, Shawn Tomlin and Adam Crossley went back to a simpler time when the vocals had a tale to tell and the guitars didn’t need to be plugged into the matrix to create a unique and memorable sound. Various drummers and bassist were brought into the mix at the beginning but it never quite felt right. Their acoustic sound stood apart on its own. 2013 came to a close with the band writing furiously. Song after song was written during practices as well as individually. In just nine months Pieces Of Eden had written enough material for three albums, each telling a separate story, yet sharing a common life narrative. With the dawn of 2014 came the desire to officially record their first album titled “Bridges Never Burn”.

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