Katherine Forst

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Katherine ForstWe are committed to bringing the ancient art of mosaic to New York City, without compromising the craftsmanship and rich artistic style developed and passed down through the ages. This involves the painstaking use of traditional materials and techniques, such as hand-cutting tesserae (mosaic pieces) with the hammer and hardie, and use of the highest quality stone from all over the world and smalti (mosaic glass) fabricated in Italy using centuries-old recipes. In addition to classical Roman and Byzantine mosaics, our stylistic inspiration includes Baroque still lives, ancient frescoes, and pattern design from allKatherine Forst over the world.
Katherine Forst is a master mosaic craftsman, one of the very few to have trained in the Italian mosaic tradition based on Byzantine mosaic of the 5th and 6th century. She received a Bachelor of Arts from Smith College in Art History. After graduation, she promptly moved to Italy, where she lived for 10 years, absorbing the Italian Renaissance and ancient Roman aesthetic. She studied mosaic at the Centro per la Formazione Professionale and Accademia delle Belle Arti in Ravenna, Italy, and apprenticed with the premier mosaic studio in the city.

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