James Kelsey

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James KelseyJames Kelsey, b. 1964, Abstract Sculptor of monumental works James came to Seattle, Washington when he was 2 months old and considers himself a native of the Pacific Northwest. Before finding his true passion in the arts, James had been a fire fighter and attained a commercial pilots’ license as well as a bachelors’ degree in Communication. He has always been interested in art but never pursued it as a career or considered himself an artist until his mid-30’s. He took his first welding class at 34 years old and began creating and selling art before he even finished the program.
He spent three years working for local glass and stone sculptors as he learned the business side of art and in 2001 built his own studio near his home and has never looked back. Even though James began his art careerJames Kelsey relatively late in life and is self-taught, he already has work represented throughout the United States and most recently successfully sold a sculpture to British Columbia, Canada. While his primary body of work is in the realm of Public Art, he has created many corporate and private commissions. Much of his work soars both physically and emotionally. He likes the verticality of reaching skyward and feels that larger-than-life sculpture is able to touch the human soul in a way many other art forms cannot.

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