David Reiser

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David ReiserDavid Reiser studied Fine Art at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and Illustration at the University of Kansas at Lawrence. He has been painting professionallyfor over 25 years. Reiser’s focus has been on commissioned murals and paintings. Reiser has created murals for museums, zoos, aquariums, visitor centers, interpretive centers, commercial and private residences all across the country. These murals are all hand-painted and have ranged in size from covering 50 square feet to as much as 15,000 square feet. ADavid Reiser remarkable trait of Reiser’s work in his flexibility in style. Employing trompe I’oeil in fantasy pieces or adheringto a strict technical illustration this characteristic is evident. he can boldly design the piece to take front and center stage or to simply complement.
When designing works for museums, zoos and the like Reiser does extensive research on these murals to ensure that they are accurate in their portrayal of natural and historical elements. From the petals on a purple cone flower to intricate details on historical military uniforms all aspects of the mural are rendered exquisitely and precisely. He is skilled in the David Reiserapplication of numerous paint systems including such specialty products as epoxy coatings and mineral paints. Reiser’s paintings can be found nationally adoming the walls of commercial and private collections. Whether he creates a still-life, landscape, portrait or other genre his hand deftly captures the subject. Reiser currently resides in Waverly, Nebraska with his wife, Bemice and three children, Jessica, Jonah and Jennifer.

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