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Not everybody can be an artist, but I do believe everybody is creative. Therefore, working as a custom, commission artist, I find joy helping people turn their ideas into handcrafted fine art. For me, creating art comes with a strong sense of gratification. It’s not just in the dedicated process of creation where I find contentment, but also in the emotional feedback I receive from the audience viewing my artwork, both in the process of creation, and the final product. I am passionate about being a successful artist because I confidently believe it is my own unique way to serve my community. I thoroughly enjoy sharing the happiness I derive in creating art with other people, and I feel that concept resonates deeply in all my work.
The art I make is most always inspired by a singular client and their story of loss, happiness, hobbies, joy, bliss, nostalgia, or struggle.
Although I work in four different mediums and with a wide variety of audiences ranging from classic car owners to brides-to-be; I’ve found that it is the clients themselves, with their distinctive anecdotes, that bind each piece in my portfolio together. The client is truly my inspiration. In each commissioned piece of artwork, no matter the scale, I am honored with the knowledge that my client believes in the integrity of my art, to trust me to create a meaningful, quality piece for them. It is especially moving for me to create something I know will become part of their family history. In my line of work, the artist and the client give and receive equal parts of themselves. It is a humbling yet exhilarating feeling to present a final piece of my artwork to a satisfied client. With each exchange, I find myself sharpened as an artist and improved as a person.

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