Tara Draper

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Camera. It is not easy being in front of the camera, but it’s my job to put you at ease and give you direction and I can promise you I will always take the extra step to help you look and feel your best. I am an extroverted people person to the core and we will joke around, have fun and I have tons of different tricks and tips to give you throughout the day to shoot you’ll never look stiff or awkward. I love capturing timeless and unique images that incorporate emotion and beautiful light. Being a photographer is my dream come true! I live in Wisconsin Dells with my husband, Justin, and our beautiful daughter, Reagan. We built a small natural light studio on our property and it has been a perfect bright and cheery work space and I love meeting with clients here. We also own a restaurant with Justin’s long-time best friend in downtown Wisconsin Dells, the High Rock Cafe. Justin is an amazing chef and we are both blessed with exciting careers. Hmmm…what else? I love cake, coffee, wine, parties, boats, summer, the Wisconsin River, spending time outdoors, live music, traveling, tickling my baby girl, and loving on our yellow lab mix, Jake. I am a huge animal lover and Jake is my first dog, so he is like my baby…yea, he’s just as spoiled as my curly headed little gal! Please feel free to learn more about me by clicking into the links below.

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