Fate on Canvas

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The band was started in the summer of 2007 in the basement of Kyle Newman’s parents’ house in Bristol, CT. Franco Garzone and Kyle practiced together for about a year before Dan Thibodeau finally decided to join the act, forming the three piece band that was to be Fate on Canvas. This, however, was not the first time these three had shared the stage as part of a musical act. Kyle, Dan, and Franco had played together in a band in high school, and now, towards the tail end of their college years, decided to reform as old time friends. The trio put together 3 releases from 2007-2015: “Alive as Mysteries” LP in 2009, “2012 EP,” and the “To Hell with Discretion” EP released in 2015. All 3 works are available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and several other online media outlets. Three months after the release of THwD, Kyle informed Dan and Franco that he would be pursuing a different career and school path, and had planned to move to Colorado in a month. There had been speculation of such a move taking place for some time at that point. Schedules had been such that practices were basically non-existent for the last 6 months with Kyle. Despite this, few had noticed anything lacking from the many live performances over this time. Rather, the praise seemed as copious as it had ever been. With a heavy heart, Kyle bid farewell in early February to his family and friends in CT, and headed west to CO. While still sorrowful from his departure, Franco began his avid search for a new percussionist. After a few not-so-exciting prospects, and several fruitless correspondences, Franco received a phone call on his way home from work one day. It had been about two months since the search for a replacement had started, and after all the subsequent back and forth, he was skeptical, to say the least. This particular day, however, superseded his built-up pessimism. This was the first drummer to have actually followed up and researched the band BEFORE calling. He seemed enthusiastic and anxious to be a part of the project. Julien, a young, yet extremely well-versed musician, decided to come out to a practice and feel things out. Things have been moving forward steadily ever since. There is much left to teach the newest member of the group, but he is learning well. Taking on Kyle’s extraordinarily challenging drum parts is no easy task for a seasoned professional, never mind such a young, though dedicated drummer. Let’s not also forget the music there is left to write. So, in the next 6 months to a year, be on the lookout for a whole new Fate on Canvas!

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