Roger Gathman

Roger GathmanI was born in New Haven CT. (1947) but lived in New Mexico for most of my life, which might explain the nature of my work. Skies and brightly lit vistas are a favorite subject in my painting. Another subject I explore, from time to time,are my raptors. I am a master falconer and have been hunting with my birds for over thirty years. I also have a loft of racing pigeons and a small flock of chickens. I guess I am sort of a “bird guy” at heart. In 1988 I had the good fortune, during a sabbatical, to work with the great American landscape painter, Wilson Hurley. I consider this experience one of the major highlights in my artistic career. Wilson knew so much about soTalent Mag Ad many things! I was always amazed and completely inspired everytime I had a chance to sit and talk to him about art, or just life in general. I am a graduate of the University of New Mexico with a degree in Art Education. I taught art at the Albuquerque Academy for 42 years before my retirement in 2012.

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