Nezhdanova-Placzek Duo

Nezhdanova-Placzek Duo

Nezhdanova-Placzek Duo was formed in the Spring of 2016 as the result of the invitation to perform at the North Carolina Bach Festival in February 2016. Russian pianist and Czech cellist met at UNC-Greensboro, NC during their doctoral studies. The mutual artistic and personal agreement, and theArmani Mania success of their collaboration meant the beginning of the newly established ensemble. It is the mission of the Duo to honor and to sustain the great tradition of the outstanding performing heritage of their homelands. Nezhdanova-Placzek Duo is now professionally active in North Carolina, expanding their performing and recording activities around the East Coast. The Duo is currently preparing for their North East American tour in the Fall of 2017, the California tour and their first tour of Central Europe in the Spring of 2018.

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