Micah Mullen
Micah Mullen’s style of painting involves creating a complicated background of hundreds of grids of varying colors. When done the background will loosely look like the intended composition, From there he concentrates on adding detail to segments of the painting. This method allows him the most expression because different parts are all done at different times. For example a typical landscape composition might have twenty different trees. Painting all the trees during the same session will tend to create too many similarities and thus a boring composition. Patience and time allows his paintings to reflect his varying emotions and moods and in a strange way create a sense of balance and harmony in what are sometimes very detailed and confusing compositions.
He learned to paint by being immersed in art for most of his life. Micah’s father taught art at the college level for over three decades and continues his passion in his retirement. Micah received a Bachelors degree from SUNY Brockport and later a Master’s degree from Duquesne University. Through six years of higher education he studied a variety of subjects, but as fate would have it I entered the workforce selling art supplies. In 1996, Micah and his wife Eileen moved to Raleigh, NC and Micah began working at Jerry’s Artarama. Initially he began working on catalogs and advertisements and saw the company grow leaps and bounds. He quickly began wearing different hats and grew into the position of Marketing Director. Through his life’s journey in his father’s studio and his professional career at Jerry’s Artarama he learned countless things about art theories, techniques, principles and practices. His ongoing pursuit is putting these ideas onto canvas.