Katrina Doran

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Katrina DoranKatrina Doran creates mosaic art for interior and exterior spaces utilizing the finest materials along with found objects and handmade treasures. All works are unique and designed for a lasting impression. The art of mosaic can be applied directly to a surface (backsplash, swimming pool inset, floor inset, wall, table, etc.), made as a wall hanging, or designed as a sculpture. Mosaic work is an art form that takes time. Each tessera is cut and placed by hand either directly or indirectly using techniques and tools that date back for over 2,000 years. Doran has studied worldwide with modern masters of this fine craft and combines a traditional knowledge and respect with her uncanny eye for detail and intuitive sense of design. Her interest, enthusiasm and passion for this art form is contagious.
I am interested in creating curious objects that seem magical, that seem as if they are from another time and place, or might have been something you once dreamed. I gather many types of materials: rusted metal from the street, rocks, glass, dishes, toys, beads, mirror, marble, minerals, fossils, shells, smalti, gold glass, tempered glass, bottles, paints, powders and inks. I select seemingly incongruous things and assemble them into something new and memorably beautiful. We are a world of makers called Doran StudioKatrina Doran located in Dallas, Texas. The focus of this website is on Katrina’s works in mosaic and sculpture. Our other makers are Denny Doran, Katrina’s husband, and Taylor Pierre Bryant, her son. Our works include mosaics, sculpture, drawing, painting, and print-making in both figurative and non-figurative styles. Samples of Denny and Taylor’s works will be added to the blog periodically so take a look every now and then for a glimpse of the magic inside a world called Doran Studio.

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