Annie Kammerer Butrus
Annie Kammerer Butrus’ paintings have been exhibited in museums and galleries across the United States, and are included in numerous important public and private collections including the Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Southern Progress Corporation, and the Wellesley College Rare Book Arts Collection. Her work has been reviewed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Art Papers, and The Birmingham News. She has received an Alabama State Arts Council Grant and was given the “Emerging Artist Award” by the Magic City Art Connection in Birmingham. She is represented by Thomas Deans Gallery in Atlanta. Annie Butrus received her B.A. in Art from Wellesley College and completed her M.F.A at the University of Notre Dame. She has taught at the University of Notre Dame, Space One Eleven, and the Birmingham Museum of Art. Annie’s project engages a contemporary dialogue of time and nature within the history of landscape painting. The passage of time, a significant current in her work, has often been represented as the four seasons in large painting installations. Change in the landscape, resulting from development, weather, abandonment is a concern that is addressed by the most fleeting aspect of light– the shadow. Light is often documented by making shadow tracings on site in orchards and gardens season after season. Once in the studio the shadow sketches are combined into portraits of frozen time using a layering and removal process. Color is used in contrasting, high-keyed tones to draw on the emotions of the viewer; the palette signifies a highly pitched universe where gravity is negligible and shadows are either fleeting or everlasting. The ultimate concern of Annie’s work deals with how the changing landscape impacts our lives and sense of place.