Sara Jaellyn Pittock

The Capital Athletic Club

Sara Jaellyn PittockBorn in the desert and raised among the trees, Sara Jaellyn Pittock is no stranger to the beauty and pain this world has to offer. It’s been her lifelong passion to portray both on paper and on screen. Her parents, a logger in a dying industry, and a former stay at home mom who taught herself to drive, demonstrated what it was like to struggle from the bottom to the top. Discussions around the dinner table revolved not merely about what she learned in school, but what it meant.
Pittock started writing stories before she knew how toSara Jaellyn Pittock write them down. She won her first poetry contest in eighth grade, with a poem inspired by Elie Wiesel’s Night. That same year, she started writing her first fantasy novel, which she’s currently seeking to publish. After graduating from Corban University with a B.S. in Creative Writing, Pittock began work on a science fiction novel, about the dangers of a technological and medical utopia.
Always reenacting her favorite characters, Pittock didn’t consider an acting career until her college days. Since then, she has acted on several independent projects, including lead roles in the short films Discovering Doris and Nowhere to Go. Pittock lives with seven roommates, and two cats at the bottom of a volcano in Portland, OR. When she isn’t communing with the sunshine, she’s curled up on the couch with a good book.

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