Peter Canclini
I am a Humboldt native. I have photographed for many years, primarily in the view camera tradition of wet darkroom silver gelatin prints, and have made many thousands of silver prints. I now also produce high quality pigment ink prints on my own printers. These are my primary prints offered for sale. The beauty and extreme permanence of these pigment inks today enable the production of incredible prints, at much more affordable prices than ever has been possible before.
Printing is to me only a means to an end, and that end is a beautiful, expressive, and long-lasting print. Whether the genesis of the print be in a Dektol tray or a pigment ink printer does not really matter to me… However, I still offer traditional black and white prints from my original negatives, if desired. Please call or email for pricing and delivery information. Honesty, authenticity, and beauty are the things I most value in a photograph. And, I hope, something of awe for the unknowable mysteries of this amazing world, and for the dignity of its people.
Beyond my own personal photography, I offer work for hire. Call me; if I can help I will do my best for you. Tell me about your project, and perhaps we can make something beautiful of it.