Jason P. Odell

The Capital Athletic Club

Jason P. Odell

Jason P. Odell is a professional photographer from Colorado Springs, Coloado. Jason became interested in photography when he received his first camera, a Kodak Ektralite 10, in elementary school. He routinely experimented in his parents’ home darkroom and was occasionally allowed to borrow her Nikkormat EL SLR.
Jason majored in biology at UCLA and later earned his doctorate from the University of California, Riverside. While studying, his field biology work took him to the island of Trinidad, West Indies, where he developed a passion for photographing birds and other wildlife. Jason’s doctoral adviser was also an avid nature photographer, so trips to the field always involved packing cameras and lenses. Jason taught at the university level for eight years and has a passion for education. Jason’s photography has been featured by Nik Software, Tiffen, Studio Photography Magazine, Singh-Ray Filters, and Digital Silver Imaging. All of Jason’s eBooks and videos are available through Luminescence of Nature Press™

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