

My current art focus is all about connecting music and fine arts through traditional methods and technology. Accenting my focus, the sights, sounds, and issues surrounding urban culture shapes the way I approach the creation of concepts, use of tools, and overall execution of my work. Much of myDetour work consists of channeling concepts and issues about the urban arts culture through portraits of minority and urban subjects. The portraits tackle issues ranging from the serious, to the bastardization of a culture, to the light-hearted, to breakdancing. Some portraits open a window into the inner workings of a certain community, while other paintings simply try to enhance the audience’s experience. The tools I use to develop my work are not limited to any one medium. My goal is to capture every sense of my audience, thus breaking down barriers and making it easier to be engulfed in the canvas. I see these senses as building block for bridges between the viewer and the messages I’m communicating. The more blocks I use, the better the viewer will receive the message.

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