Christina Baltazar

Hotel Amar

Christina Baltazar Thank you for taking the time to browse my work. I am a Believer, Wife, Daughter and a Mother blessed with the gift of art. I believe every person has been created in the likeness of the Lord and the love I have for capturing these lives is something I treasure each and every day. I LOVE capturing those fleeting moments of pregnancy and those first few days a newborn enters the world. As someone who was diagnosed with PCOS, we thought we would face a lifetime of struggling to conceive. By the grace of God and finding NaPro Technology, we were blessed with our four beautiful children. I know how challenging it can be to conceive life, and I also know how quickly it goes once they have arrived. As a photographer, I strive to capture those fleeting moments that are such a part of our history. I truly hope you enjoy my work and know that my love for children and faith make me the artist that I am today.

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