Ann Breinig

Denise Houk
Ann BreinigI am a photographer, mixed media artist and an incurable collector. I love to find interesting specimens of nature and culture. I delight in varied textures, shapes and colors and pick up and keep everything I find that touches me. All this natural and cultural debris ultimately finds its way into my art. Although my art is characterized by color and composition, these small natural and cultural items seem to give my art an earthly mooring. In both my art and photography I start with color, focus on composition and finish with unexpected details.Ann Breinig
I’ve spent my life teaching Spanish to students of all ages. Almost every year of my life as a teacher included at least one trip to somewhere in the world with Spanish influence and all of my wanderings included collecting. These collections have grown through the years and add interest, depth and a personal connection to all of my art.
Ann BreinigSince I’ve retired I’ve had the time to produce art. I’ve focused more on what I love, the details and textures of nature and the designs of the Spanish cultures. This has helped me to slow down and really seek out and see color, texture and interesting design, both natural and manmade, that I love. I hope my photography and art will inspire my viewers to do the same.

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