Tim Mercer

Tim MercerTim Mercer is a singer/songwriter out of Portland, ME. He spent 12 years in Brooklyn, NY fronting the rock band, Daphne. During his time in New York, Tim won the K-Rock Battle of the Bands, and was the runner up in the HBO Rock The Stones Contest, as well as the John Lennon Songwriting Contest. He was also a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Contest out of 16,000 entries. His songs have been in movies including Ted, Ted 2, All Saints Day and Unreal, as well the hit Fox TV show Family Guy. His new record “Aspartame”, released on 1/25/18, is a return to his rock roots. Following his first solo album “CASEY”, this new collection of songs has soulful yet accessible lyrics, and a punch akin to the Foo Fighters that will make rock and roll fans smile.

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