Matt Glenn

Help Fight Poverty

Matt GlennMatt Glenn has been creating bronze monuments for over 15 years. He has always loved art and sketching, but did not discover his love and talent to create with clay until one night, when he brought home a small box of clay and had an idea that he wanted to bring to life. Matt worked throughout the night, and by morning, he had created the exact idea that was in his mind. From that moment on, he was hooked!
Since that day, Matt has studied tirelessly and learned the refined art of sculpting in clay. He has created monuments both large and small for communities all over the country. He has created monuments for several municipalities and private organizations. Sculpting is his passion and he loves what he does. He loves going to work every morning and never wants to retire. Matt is also a storyteller. He loves to take a few simple sketches or photographs and combine them with the others’ experiences in order to bring these stories to life.Matt Glenn
Matt lives and works in Utah, surrounded by the Rocky Mountain range that he loves. He lives with his wife Lori and their five young sons. With raising his boys, has come a string of animals. Currently his family has a hunting dog, a parakeet, and a red tailed hawk.
There is never a dull moment around his home, but he and his wife love the noise and confusion that comes with a house full of happy sons. He loves to fly fish, hunt, travel, ski, and firmly believes that a good game of backyard football can fix almost any problem. Although Utah and the mountains have been his home for 30 years, Matt grew up in Orange County and never misses an opportunity to sneak back to the beach for a day, enjoy the sun, and have a good fish taco.

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