Amanda Barro

Amanda Barro is a professional flutist who enjoys teaching private flute lessons, workshops and masterclasses and performing. Amanda believes that music is a powerful tool and can have a lasting, positive effect. For this reason, she loves performing! Aside from various university ensembles, she has had the opportunity to perform in flute chamber groups, woodwind trios, and larger orchestras including the Meridian Symphony Orchestra.
These performance venues have ranged from receptions, educational camps, ceremonies, and traditional concerts. She really enjoys teaching and has a private studio of students ranging from beginners to high schoolers. She has been teaching private lessons for 9 years. Each individual student brings new inspiration, challenges, and success. Their thoughtful creativity and diligence inspire her!
In July of 2014, Amanda founded the Johnston Summer Flute Choir Workshop for grades 6-8 and 9-12 in Johnston, Iowa. Each group met for two hours a day over a five day week. At the end of the workshop, they had a combined concert that included staging and props! She is proud to announce the yearly continuation of this workshop! This same workshop began in 2017 in Boise, Idaho!

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