Stacey Garbarski
Stacey Garbarski is a Non Union Actress from the Chicago-land area and currently resides in Madison WI. Stacey is a 2016 graduate from Edgewood College with her degree in Theatre Performance.
SInce graduating, the past two years have held a lot of exciting work and challenges: August of 2016, she traveled to New York City to Fringe Festival with the production “800th Annual Salvation Swing Off” and received a positive mention in the New York Times. Early in 2017, she was cast in two productions simultaneously. In the beginning of the rehearsal process she severely broke her ankle in a rock climbing accident but continued to perform in both “August: Osage County” and “Dumpster Flower” on crutches. Some recent highlights for 2017/2018: “Women at War” with the incomparable Hannah Ripp Dieter, playing Berenger in “Rhinoceros” and the world premiere of “Slavoj Žižek’s: Antigone” as Antigone. She, her significant other and their dog are planning on leaving the Midwest within the next year or so. However in the meantime, she is doing new works with her talented friends, working at an animal rescue and enjoying the beautiful art she gets to create.