Katrina Morris
Katrina Morris’ lives in Miami with her kitesurfing husband, a beautiful Golden Retreiver (who happened to show up at their door one day) and three orange cats. She grew up in an idyllic town in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her mom is an artist and dad is an engineer. Apparently, that equals an actress with a computer science degree. Katrina began acting at the age of 10 and continued through college at San Francisco State. Her first professional acting gig was in 1995 in the film “Two Much” with Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith. She took a job as an extra, was upgraded on set to Melanie’s stand-in and then upgraded again to a speaking role as a university student opposite Antonio. However, her brainy side was not yet ready to settle into a life of acting. She took time off to complete her computer science degree and helped her husband transition his family’s art supply store into a full-fledged web store. It’s really cool. Once that was completed, though the acting bug kicked back in. She was finally able to commit fully to acting in 2007 and hit the ground running. Funny thing is, all the brainy, real-world stuff she learned really helps in this thing they call show business. She jumped back into classes and improv and started shooting films and commercials. She also starred in the sitcom “Miami Life” as Jules Gilles. Katrina does voiceover work and has performed with the improv comedy troupes “Just The Funny,” “Jiggles and Giggles” and “Cage-Free Humans: Organic Free Range Improv,” Miami’s first Harold team. Katrina is currently the director of Improv South Miami, an indie improv theater in, South Miami and she teaches two improv classes per month.
She looks forward to continuing her work in the ever evolving Miami film, television and improv communities, as well as traveling for fun jobs here and there.