Daniel Dossey

Daniel Dossey

Hailing from Missouri, Daniel Dossey is a versatile drumset and percussion artist with a background steeped in orchestral, marching, musical theater, and Scottish music. Daniel is a performer, recording artist and teacher living in the Springfield/Branson, MO area. He currently performs with Krista Meadows (Nashville’s 2003 Embassy Music “Artist of the Year”), the Lennon/Cathcart Show as well as, a professoinal Scottish drumline known as The Ruff Drags.
Dossey comes from a lineage of orchestral percussionists and has studied under Dr. David Steffens as well as Scottish drummers Sir Michael Eagle and Tom Foote. Dossey has had a rich and diverse career in the entertainment industry having performed with groups and artists such as The Enid Symphony Orchestra, 1st-call L.A. session artists Gail Lennon and trumpet player Jay Daversa, Producer/Engineer Trent Bell, Van Morrison pianist Gary Freeman, “Top 10 NBC America’s Got Talent Finalist” Joseph Hall, The North Texas Caledonian Pipe Band and Celtic-Rock band Dirty Old Towne.
From 2007 to 2010 Daniel performed regularly, recorded, and toured China with The Haygoods, one of Branson’s most successful musical shows. He has also been a finalist for The Blue Man Group and toured the UK with the Oklahoma Youth Symphony. Daniel has studied Scottish snare drumming since 1997. Twice, he has competed at the World Pipe Band Championships in Scotland finishing second overall and second best Drum Corps in 2001 as a member of the Grade III Lions College Pipe Band. He was also a featured performer at both PASIC 2011 and Winter Storm 2012 as a member of the fusion drum group, The Ruff Drags. Also at Winter Storm 2012, Daniel won the Grade III North American Amateur Solo Snare Drum contest.

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